Friday, October 12, 2007

Bits and Pieces

It's been so long since I last blogged I find it impossible to catch up. My sister in law smsed me and said she looked forward to reading about Ally's birthday, my holiday etc but honestly I don't think I have the stamina to back track so much. I am quite a lazy blogger sometimes.... it's like I have all these blogging ideas running around in my mind but the minute it reaches the end of the day, I am so tired I decide to just go to bed.

So tonight, while I am quite in the mood, I think I shall just show you guys pictures of what's been happening - a bit at a time.

Ally and Rachel dressed up as fairies for Children's Day at their school. I saw a Best Dressed Award slip in Ally's school bag but then again, maybe everyone got it. Heh.

Rachel hurt her arm while dashing for the telephone. Ally wailed tons when she heard. At first we were so touched that she could feel such pain for her cousin's injury. Then she revealed she was just "scared of the bandage!"

As for Ally's 3rd birthday, here's a short clip of the day's happenings. Let's just say kids parties are not cheap - we hired Fantasy Parties to take care of the whole decor and entertainment - but it was good for how they made everything so easy. We learn a new lesson with Ally all the time and each time it is to go smaller the next time. Which is why Angie always gets the simpler do. Heh. But she seems to enjoy her own small parties just with family. Anyhow, she gets to enjoy her big sis's one too -look at her (in blue spaghetti strap dress) having a whale of a time!

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