So, the weaning from the breast has been successful! Angie now drinks from the bottle and a lot too! I think she is going through some 6 month growth spurt or something and so wolfs down like 200ml of milk 7-8 times a day. I am so glad I made the decision to switch to the bottle or I would up every night trying to satiate her never ending hunger. Honestly, I don't think I can produce that much man!
After we successfully reintroduced the bottle, Angie's sleep habits did improve back to waking up just twice a night and going right back to sleep after. She's also started sleeping from 8 pm at night! Yayaya. Mark and I are homefree from 8 to do our own thing. Ths week though she's a little off kilter after we took her to a wedding a few days ago - that kind of wrecked everything you know we will probably skip all night outings for her till she is more stabalised.
One not so good thing though about the whole weaning from breast episode is that she has now developed a preference for formula milk and resists breast milk. It's probably like how I prefer the taste of full cream milk to low fat skimmed milk. So, we have to sneak the breast milk in in small quantities. I'm going to try and give her some breast milk for as long as possible since I truely believe in its antibodies.
Something seems to be happening to my body too.. I feel like my womb is reactivating itself. Because I now pump only 3 times a day, I have a feeling I am going to start becoming fertile again. Hahha. Anyway, I am definitely taking a longer break till my third kid.......

She's done her first pee and poo in the potty!! Yay!
We're pretty pleased at how its all progressed so smoothly. There was a lot of pressure from the in laws to start training her from months back but we wanted to just let her go when she was ready. All we did was leave her little potty around for her to get accustomed to. We read that things move much faster that way.
She's matured so much since Angie was born. From two weeks ago, she would go to the drain to pee while she was swimming. So, we realised she knows when she is going to pee.
Then, the other day, she frantically hopped around holding her pee as she waited for us to put on her diaper as she did not want to dirty the floor.
Just last Sunday at church, she amazed me when she said, " Mummy, go away, I am going to poo poo... so smelly!" she then insisted that I look away while she did her business. As we were by the fish pond (yes, I spend most of the time there during mass since she cannot keep still), a little boy came by to look at the fishes too and the poor girl stopped her business till he was gone as she was embarrassed! Can you imagine, my little baby can be paiseh!!
Once she was done, I told her we should go change her diaper and she asked me " Change where?" I just pointed to a flat spot but she refused and only agreed once we managed to get a quiet empty room.. She was embarrassed that people would find her poo smelly!!! aiyoh, my little girl has grown up!
So anyway, she finally pooed in the potty this morning, then promptly ran away screaming!! Hahhaah, first time she has seen her poo ..since the rest of time we clean up for her while she lies down.
So that's the updates for my two daughters.
Now, we're all eagerly awaiting the arrival of Reubens Ng, my brother's second child. Ling Fong is now 39 weeks and just waiting around to go into labour. After a whole batch of girls, this will be theh first boy in many years, for my dad, it will his first boy in 33 years. Boy will this one be pampered. But he will be rightly put in place by his three older playmates - Alison, Rachel and Angie. Hhehe.
oh my goodness angie looks like Little Mark... you are thinking of Number THREE! afraid i prob wont be able to pace you this time... not sure if we can do three.
Hey rachel, thanks for the compliments for the shop! And yes, it is time for you to get preggers again! And I can provide you the clothes! :) Can you believe we have not met up yet?? Sigh. How ... maybe we should have tea at Marina Square.
Sher: I KNOW!!! especially in thi shot! That, by the way, is also Mark's smoldering look. I was astonished at how similar they look! No 3. I say only lah.. you know easier said then done.
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