Monday, December 31, 2007

Angie's Amazing Sleeping Habits

This girl never fails to amaze me.

She has a new way of going to sleep. Ever since I started getting a bad back a few months back, I've been patting her to sleep. That was a very smooth transition.

Then, Mark told me that for the past few nights, she's progressed one step further. He didn't believe it either.

After a few taps, he would stop and say to her, " Ok, Angeline, go and sleep. Daddy will be over there/ or Daddy will be going up to sleep (meaning he'll be at the computer area which is still inside the room or on our bed which is in a loft in our bedroom.

She would get up frantically, clinging to the side of the cot. Amazingly though, she would say, in a half "manja" voice," Ok, bye bye , bye, bye," and actually wave to him!

Hahaha. I thought he was totally having me on. But tonight was my turn to put her to sleep. And when it was time to say goodbye, she did exactly the same thing!

Perhaps it's because she now understands things way better, and so realises that we are still around somewhere, when we said what we said. Hiyah, our little darling.

Oh, by the way, for the record, this Angeline can really sleep. She definitely takes after her mummy. She can sleep from 8pm at night to past 8 in the morning - we have to wake her up in the morning. Not that she doesn't take her naps ah... she takes 3 hour naps in the day and again, she has to be woken up. Her smelly bolster is her best friend.

*** We're going to try getting her to sleep by herself totally, eventually. We tried that several months back and while it worked in the beginning, she seem to develop this phobia whenever we put her down in the bed. So, we started rocking her again. Perhaps she will be ready to sleep on her own soon. Still, we're very pleased with her thus far.:)

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