Have we changed at all? Compare the pictures of us as boyfriend and girlfriend about 7 years back, in our wedding best and now with two kids.

Mark and I like to comment on how chiseled we used to look a few years back. Ok, we're not fat now but the body shape has changed a little lah hah. Mark's tummy area follows my shape through each pregnancy. .. Ha.
Anyway, here's some interesting snippets of our life together:
* Mark's first gift to me was a clipboard that could be attached to the computer so that I could read my notes and type at the same time. I mentioned that it was a good idea when I visited him in his university hostel room ( Ah, I had no idea he liked me then). The next week, there it was hanging on the door knob of my own hostel door in a very cheepo red plastic bag. It was "then" that I knew.
I can't remember what my first gift to him was...! But I am so bad at this "gift" thing we had a heated argument very very early on in our courtship. I was so unlike his previous "doting make very nice cards, cook yummy muffins" girlfriend in this aspect he was totally taken aback. BUT all's well that ends well, he lowered his expectations! and here we are! heheheee
* I showed my love for him by taking care of him when he fell sick with a high fever a day after a big church concert that we were both involved in. I came over to his house and showered him with attention. He said he knew "it was love" then.
* We "went steady" at the stroke of midnight on 1 Jan 2000, the new millenium. He asked me amidst all the merrymaking at a party on Sentosa. Corny but I think it was romantic!
* Mark proposed to me at Andaman Spa in Langkawi. It was a surprise trip and he popped the question when I was at my most vulnerable.. with just a towel wrapped around myself after a fantastic massage. The sun was setting just then so we had a magnificent view of the horizon and the sea all at that moment. Ahhhhh.

Ok, I shan't bore you guys with more magic moments .... :) we're having a nice dinner tonight at Au Jardin and leaving the kids behind! True to form, I did not get a gift again ( yes, tsk tsk tsk tsk.... I wonder why anyone would want to marry me.. ahha) but I did write a note. And I've posted it here for all of you to know what a wonderful man I married and what he puts up with a wife like me!
Dear Mark,
Thank you for courting me in the first place
Or I would never have found you. ( Ha... ask me what that means!)
Thank you for being the “calm” in the midst of all my frantic worrying!
Or I would be a nervous wreck by now.
Thank you for supporting me in whatever I do, like Maternity Exchange.
It’s really helped me to lead a fulfilling life.
Thank you for being such a good father,
Carrying the two babies, changing diapers and putting them to sleep,
I would not be as good a mother if not for your support!
Thank you for listening to my endless complaints and concerns
It’s helped preserve my sanity!
Thank you too for scolding me! when the complaints get too much
It’s helped me appreciate and remember how lucky I am.
Thank you for making all your funny faces
It never fails to cheer me up.
Thank you for cooking for me occasionally
I really like your food!
Thank you for bearing with my all my little idyosyncracies and unusual phobias! (You know which ones!?)
I feel better just knowing you know.
Thank you for just loving me.
I feel happy and complete just knowing you do.
I love you,
1 comment:
so sweet!!! i din know u were so "unromantic" in the usual girly sense... i find tt surprising!
its truly been a great 3 years though. full of (mostly) ups and downs.
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