Thursday, July 13, 2006

Just not sleeping

Can you imagine?

Today, little Angeline did not sleep from 930am to 830 PM. 9 hours!

For a 5 week old baby, that is scary!

Amazingly, she didn't seem bothered. She stayed wide eyed throughout, but cried the minute we put her down. And the day started to pass in a blur. You know, when you repeat the sleep routine over and over. ...For me, it's FEED, BURP, ROCK A LITTLE, SING LULLABY, put her very slowly down. 2 mins later, she's up. And you do everything over again.

Usually, I can lull myself to sleep even but the little doo doo is still awake.

I think she misses her daddy. He's away in Taiwan, battling some typhoon. He can put her to sleep easily with his low toned lullaby. I think mine is too high pitched.

Can't wait till he gets back. Ok, I hear her again. It's going to be a long night.


Sher said...

oh dear i see she's not better. if its any consolation d is better now. it's still a challenge getting her to sleep towards the evening hours, but its slightly easier.

Alison and Angeline said...

Thanks for your advice guys. Not to worry, Angie does have her good days too lah. Just yesterday was plain crazy. Am determined not to make this one "cry it out" so trying to start good habits from young. You know, get her down for a nap within 2 hours. Mark is even more ambitious, he wants her to sleep on her own, so he forbids me rocking or nursing to sleep. I do it anyway, as other ways don't work for me and I'm the one putting her to sleep most of the time. so there goes CONSISTENCY too. Aiyoh, who said being a second time parent was easier?