Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Timid Ally

Don't be fooled by this picture. No doubt Ally loves to perform, but I've come to realise it's only for familiar people. So around her mommy, daddy, Ah ma, Ah Kong, Rachel and the two maids, who she sees almost everyday, she will readily do her rounds of entertaining.

For those she sees slightly less often like say my relatives, or even Gong Gong,Ling Fong and Terence, she needs to warm up to them first each time she sees them. In the beginning, she will cling to the "familiar ones" and say she's "scared!"

You know what's funny. She is terrified of Uncle Terence, my brother! Who would have thought?! I mean, how on earth can my brother be scary?!! ( His nickname now is "Uncle Scary") Here's a picture of him and you'll know why I am so puzzled.

He's the one in red, on the left

When he's in the same room, Ally will stick to the side that he's not on, and yet scoot over to the other side should my brother leave the room. It's obvious she's terrified of him. Of all people!

We've also realised it's a guy or "older man" thing. She's also terrified of Uncle Mark, daddy to Alex, who lives just upstairs from us. He is also highly " NOT SCARY" . She also squeals at the old security guard in our condominium.

The trick I guess is just to stand quietly at a distance till she has warmed up to you. Don't approach too fast, and let out those "HELLO ALLY! So CUTE!" kind of exclaimations as she will back away in tears!

I asked Mark how on earth did Ally turn out timid when neither of us are. You know what? Mark said, " errr.. you are actually rather timid yourself you know. Yah, you did tv journalism, you have no stage fright but you know and I know, deep down, you're not all that "garang!" In fact, you are ( compared to many of your KC friends for instance, (sorry gals!), rather reserved and shy.

Hahah. And I think that's true! So, Ally is just like me. Able to perform but really a shy one at heart.:)

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